Thursday, March 24, 2005

Big Sister's Toys

I am really glad I have a big sister because she has lots and lots of toys for me to play with. Unfortunately, my big sister often sees me playing with her toys - then all of a sudden she wants to play with them too and so she takes them from me :(

Lucky for me I have Mommy and Daddy to help me find something else to play with :)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Standing and Crawling

I can pull myself up in lots of ways and stay standing for a long time now. Mommy and Daddy have to really keep an eye on me now. I am also getting better at crawling to get at whatever toy I want to play with (or eat).

Friday, March 11, 2005

Happy Mommy and Daddy

My Mommy and Daddy seem really happy lately. I think maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have been sleeping 8-9 hours through the night for the last week or so :)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Crawling and Biting

I started crawling today. If you put something that looks like it would taste good a foot or two in front of me, I can scoot forward and get it.

In fact, anything you put near me I will try to grab, insert it into my mouth, and bite it. You must be careful because I will even try to bite your finger. Daddy wasn't too happy with me when I bit him the other day :(

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Movin' On Up

That's right - I can now stand up all by myself...of course I can only remain standing for a few seconds - but hey - that's progress, right? I especially like to pull myself up to a standing position just like my big sister used to - by holding onto that toy that plays music and has the balls that go around and around in the tube.