Sunday, December 31, 2006

More Things Halloween I Want To Be For Halloween...

An Astronaut
A Christmas Tree

Going to Sleep

When Daddy puts me to sleep, I like to read a few books. Then I like to hear some songs. Since Daddy is not a very good singer, I like it when he whistles songs to me. Since it is Christmastime, I like to hear "Frosty the Snowman". I also like to hear "Lullaby and Goodnight" and "Rock-a-bye Baby".

Last night when Daddy was putting me to sleep, I asked him if he has going to sleep too. He said yes. I said "suck your thumb Daddy". "Okay" Daddy said.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Boo boo

I fell down at California Tortilla and hurt my finger. My fingernail almost came all the way off. I was crying so mommy got me a bandage from the cashier. The lady was very nice. She came and brought a little toy for Elyssa and me. Then she gave us a cookie too. When we got home my finger still so Mommy asked me if I wanted some medicine. I told her "I like cookies and medicine".

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Things I Want To Dress Up As For Halloween

A Hammer
A Lion
Strawberry Shortcake
Santa Claus
Boots (Dora's monkey friend)
A Rectangle
A Square

I'll let you know if I think of anything else...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Fixing The Wall

Daddy, I am fixing the wall. It's kinda like a hammer. It's kinda like a magic want too...